Group leader - welcome everyone as you usually do and use this as an icebreaker question:
- How good are you at making decisions? You are a go with your gut, like an immediate decision-maker, or are you more of….Um, I could spend a few more hours or months researching this….
We make thousands of choices every day- who here doesn't want those choices to be good and wise? No surprise, but Scripture offers some insight for us to explore- Group leader open in prayer
Choose someone to read aloud Genesis 4:3-7:
- What stands out to you in this passage? What questions does this bring up?
- Pastor Angela explained the nuances of translating Hebrew- words have multiple and subtle meaning changes depending on the context, (which is why it's good to read different translations of the same verse)
- The Hebrew word "timshel" has been translated as "mayest" which implies -you have a choice.
- Read the quote from John Steinbeck aloud.
- As you reflect on the fact that God gives us freedom of choice, what does that say about how He cares for you?
- Read together the stories in Exodus (19) and Deut. (30:11,19-20) and discuss the choices offered and decisions made.
- Read Prov 14:12 how does this play into our struggles to choose wisely?
- If some choices lead to death that implies that there are others that lead to life. This means that the same God who came to Cain and said, “Why is your face so downcast? Your face can be lifted up!” is the same God who comes to you and says “I have fulfilled all that is necessary for you and I to be in a loving, intimate relationship. Now thou mayest lift your face toward me without shame or dread.” His voice is still one of invitation. He still says to us….thou mayest, but now you have the power of the Holy Spirit who will strengthen you and guide you and communicate with you.
- Pastor Angela offers 3 areas to consider as we develop a heightened sensitivity and openness to God's Holy Spirit guidance:
- Choose Rest- not just the physical but an "internal" rest:
- Matt 11:28 and Jeremiah 6:16 and discuss how this applies to an internal rest and its impact on our choices.
- Choose Gratitude-
- Read the quote from Dennis Jernigan, found in the Reflect content below.
- Choose Forgiveness-
- Forgiveness is difficult for nearly everyone, especially when, as the wounded one, you feel you have every reason to hold someone accountable. Have you felt the peace and the joy of forgiveness in your own life?
- How has that impacted you? What are the ripple effects of that?
- In our struggles with forgiveness, remember, Jesus leans in and says….thou mayest, let me help you.
End your time together discussing the idea that God has more for us, and every one of us is looking for "more." What does that look like for each of you? Discuss and end your time together to pray for God to reveal this to each of your group and for the willingness to choose "His ways over our ways."
“But the Hebrew word timshel – ‘Thou mayest’ – that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on man. For if ‘Thou mayest’ – it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’”
John Steinbeck, East of Eden
Reflect on the quote from songwriter Dennis Jernigan-
“Contentment is attainable depending on what list you focus on: what God has done or what he has not done.”
What area(s) do you need to choose to focus on: REST, GRATITUDE, FORGIVENESS?
Brainstorm what that could look like and share with the group.
Discuss what "more" of God could look like in your life in the coming weeks and months.
Go Deeper
If your group is comfortable, share any decision struggles going on in each other's lives and pray for each other. (can be as vague as needed for safety reasons.)